Design Your Dream Future:
Financial coaching for women who are ready to ditch the overwhelm and claim more
Thought you’d be more financially established by now? Or, maybe you’re doing ok, but thought your savings would be bigger? Did your dream house turn into a dream apartment, which is now “dream” renting? Whatever it is, you feel like the life you planned isn’t exactly coming together financially.
You're not alone. Feeling overwhelmed and lost when it comes to money and financial know-how — I can totally relate.
But then the bliss of ignorance got too painful, and I started to educate myself about wealth management and finally develop trust in myself to make money decisions. I learned so much about focus, saving, investing and the common money myths that were leading me astray.
As a financial coach, I work with women+ in these areas:
Cultivate the Right Money Mindset
Earn More Money
Spend, Save, & Invest according to Your Values
Mikaela, Phoenix, AZ
“I’ve earned over $5,000 in interest. And, it has been incredibly motivating for me.”
Andrea S, Hawaii
“I was able to save enough to quit my job and travel through Asia.”
Prosperia Wellbeing offers personalized coaching, self-study courses, and (coming soon) group programs.
Ready to get your money $h*t handled?
I help heart-centered women like you grow your wealth while supporting causes you love and waving au revoir to the patriarchy.
My coaching enables women to increase their income, glow up their savings & investing accounts, and automate their finances like a girlboss. ‘Cause it’s time to stop living in “I don’t have the money for that” guilt and shame. And, instead, claim what you want—and deserve: security, freedom, and that jaw-dropping vacation (or rejuvenating sabbatical, or 4-bed, white trim house… or all three!)
3 reasons I’m here:
1. I love it!
2. Women’s empowerment and wealth equality is so friggin’ important to me. Why? Because for too long, the system and society have disadvantaged women to keep them away from building wealth, while also doubting their ability to make decisions and invest their money.
3. Women look out for others. So, when they have more money, they instinctively use their money to better the world.
. . . Did that tickle a place inside you?