Work Smarter, Not Harder: 7 Strategies to an extra $1700+ without burnout
7 Ways I’ve increased my income $1700 a week — And, you can too, without getting burnt out.
Women’s Values and Investments can Save Us and the Planet
When women have money, they are more likely to reinvest in their communities, ensure children are educated, give to charities, help their neighbors, and more. This altruistic nature exists across time, culture, and income level.
From Money Stress & Overwhelm to Empowered Action
3 part post to get you out of money stress and overwhelm, cultivate a healthy money mindset, and take control of your finances with purpose and confidence.
Gender Lens Investing
What would it mean if women had more resources and financial power? What if it were possible for individuals to contribute to that goal?
Is it time to break up with your bank?
Has your bank dropped the ball one too many times? Are bank fees draining your savings? Check out these customer-friendly, sustainability-focused banks.